Rincon de Québéc
A week ago, we moved from The Beach to The Town and into Don Beto's place. Don Beto runs a "bungalow" complex and it is filled with snowbirds from Quebec. We knew it from the fleur-de-lis banner waving from a second floor window. Canadians love their Maple Leaf flag and proudly fly it wherever they are staying, but the Québécois invariably favor their Province's fleur-de-lis. Maybe it's a welcome mat for other Francophone visitors. Or maybe it's a warning to Anglophones.
We didn't care. The price was right and we just needed a place for our last week in Mexico.
For me, it became a chance to bludgeon these poor Canadians with my terrible high school French. For the Canadians, we provided hours of entertainment (and head-scratching.) And it turned into something of an adventure for us all.