Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy!!! New Year

Just spent a week of tree pruning at The Ranch.

"You know, it's a strange thing about this place," I commented to Big Dog. "When I'm here, I am totally in its grip. There's some strange seductive power here -- like a siren song you can't resist."
"I know what you mean!" he agreed.

The weather was warm, clear and fabulous and I got to climb a lot of trees. (Plus JD, our friend who lives on the property was there to teach me some knife-throwing basics!) Some trees are more fun to climb than others, but I don't think there is any tree that's NOT fun to climb, so the little bits of leaf and Spanish moss and maybe a bug or two in my hair is all worth it.

"Why do people stop doing what they enjoyed as children?" I emailed friends. "Jumping on trampolines, making sand castles, climbing trees... I'm so happy to be doing all of these things again."

Well, today, I know why people stop doing what they did as kids.
My upper body is completely sore.

But here's what I think: I'm just not doing it enough!

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